When in the great outdoors, it's impossible not to have a few bumps, knocks, dirt, and marks on your paddle board. But when left unchecked, these marks turn into permanent stains. Removing them is easier with the brand-new Scuff Eraser – a unique cleaning product specifically designed for outdoor gear. Use the Scuff Eraser for stubborn marks, dirt, and grime, keeping your outdoor gear crisp and clean.
Use on anything: No harsh chemicals mean this cleaning gadget is perfect for all of your outdoor gear. Use it on an inflatable and hard paddle board, dock, boat towable, roto-molded cooler and more. Any gear, any brand.
Get rid of anything: The Scuff Eraser works to remove dirt, marks, sticky residue, stains, soap scum, streaks, algae, sand, and more.
Easy to use: Use the Scuff Eraser with water, and you are good to go. No more persistent stains.
Dimensions: | 4" x 2" x 7" or 10cm x 5cm x 18cm |
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$19.99 | $24.99
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$19.99 | $24.99
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$19.99 | $24.99
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